The Andlios Collection: Books 1 – 3

Andlios Collection

The emperor of the galaxy has fallen, leaving his exiled daughter to pick up the pieces.

The once-idyllic Andlios Republic has fallen into chaos after the passing of Emperor Freeman. His son, Cronus, a madman bent on total control of the galaxy, rules in his stead. Adrift on the fringes of republic space, Katrijn Freeman must return home and fulfill her father's dying wish: restore democracy to their fractured republic.

There are more forces in play, though. Another princess with a claim to the throne and the Earth Ministry on the other side of the galaxy, bent on domination.

It's a race to restore order as Katrijn must traverse the cosmos with her closest allies, caught between humanity's two great civilizations. Humanity's two great civilizations clash as Katrijn and her friends explore their own humanity, trying to avoid repeating the same mistakes that have led to much suffering.

It's a space adventure for the ages. This bundle includes:

  • Cydonia Rising
  • Ganymede's Gate
  • Monolith's End


The wealthy took to the stars, leaving the suckers back on Earth paying rent on digital afterlife packages.


Lazarus Keaton was his family's great disappointment. Instead of marrying a nice girl and taking over the family business, he's a sexually confused claims adjuster for a company that uploads your consciousness into a digital afterlife. Sent across the globe to oversee the site of a deadly train crash, he's stopped dead in his tracks by the unlikely afterlife package a hairdresser had: sainthood.


His questions go unanswered when the Vatican dispatches a menacing Inquisitor to take over. In exchange for his silence about the odd case, his bosses offer him a raise, but he's in too deep to stop. Alongside Silvia, a local detective, they're thrust into the throngs of a wild conspiracy centered on the world's richest man, with all roads leading them off-world to his luxurious space station. After Laz's company declares him dead, there's no turning back.


He either uncovers the truth, or meets with a grisly end at the hands of the Inquisitor.



Everyone knows Blain, he’s the galaxy’s biggest badass.

Inside of the arena, there was nothing that could stop him. While a dangerous alien force lays siege to the galaxy, the Interstellar Battle League continues to hold events in secret, hoping to avoid the Void scourge that has destroyed multiple events. For Blain, it was just another fight, just another night and nothing some time in a regen tank couldn’t take care of.

Until the Void came.

The impenetrable façade of the intergalactic tough guy and his one-dimensional life comes crashing down when he’s forced to fight for not just his own life, but for his brother’s as well. It turns out there’s more to life than blades, babes and championship belts.

There’s more to fight for than accolades and money, just like there’s more to life than shades of gray.

The Trystero Collection: Books 4-6

An ancient, dark power looms in the depths of space, ready to awake and destroy.

Life for Drake Rose was never the same after discovering an alien baby aboard an abandoned freighter ship. An ancient alien force rumbles through his mind while the Terran people ignore the crew of the Trystero's warnings about dangers of this newfound technology.

The misguided attempts of anti-alien Terrans to create a fleet of powerful warships to control not just Terran space, but the whole galaxy puts both races in danger, and it's again up to Drake, Valencia and the crew of the Trystero to restore peace and balance amidst the chaos.

Don't miss the explosive final chapters of the Trystero series, where the crew is tested like never before, making unlikely alliances in the face of utter destruction.

This bundle includes:

Severed Galaxy

Smashed Hopes

Cracked Palace

Cracked Palace

There's no stopping the Void now. The gate has been cracked open.

Drake and Valencia spent years trying to prevent the coming of the all-powerful alien race known as the Void, only it was all for nothing. After Drake made a deal with the Void Inquisitor, the entity known as Drake Rose ceased to exist as everyone else knew him, leaving him a thrall at the command of the Void.

Valencia knows there's no time to waste, trying to urge Terran leaders to join forces with the Gra'al in a show of unity against the coming storm, while Zed believes the only way there can be peace is in retribution against Ansel Breedon, the madman who's xenophobic brinksmanship ruined the fragile peace the galaxy had been working towards.

As the crew track down missing Terrans and follow the clues they believe left to them by Drake, it's a race against time to ensure the survival of both the Terran and Gra'al people against the unknown alien threat.

Smashed Hopes

Humanity has never been known for subtlety... now is no different.

After years of peace, things are unraveling. Drake may be the most powerful human that’s ever lived, imbued with powers beyond his wildest imagination, but still he struggles with his place in the galaxy.

For Valencia, the galaxy has done nothing but take from and hurt her, leaving her exhausted and alone.

There’s no rest for them in sight, though, as the godlike alien race they discovered on Thuul looms on the horizon, ready to pound down the door to the celestial gate only Drake can access and destroy humanity. All they have to do is convince Terrans to stop weaponizing alien technology…

Which is easier said than done.

If none of the Terran leaders will listen to them, and only continue down a path of destruction, can the crew of the Trystero keep hope alive by preventing the coming calamity? Or will their hopes for the future be smashed?


The galaxy’s mightiest warriors laughed at humans entering their arena... until they met the bastard.

Coop Sabre, along with his exploding barbed wire bat, Guy, has turned the galaxy upside down, taking crowds across the galaxy by storm. The brutal bloodsport of alien deathmatches was no place for the average person, but nothing about Coop and his reckless fighting style was average.

With everything he desires seemingly within reach, an unwanted question pops into his mind: Is this really what he wants out of his life?

The vicious cycle of violence, addiction and depression takes a toll on every warrior. It’s up to Coop to find where he belongs, or he risks losing it all.



The Cymage

With each cough death looms closer. Only an experimental technology can save him.

New meaning enters Am'ranth's life when a rival foreign leader asks the humble monk to help solidify his royal legacy during a time of peace. That legacy?

A weapon unlike any other. One fit for the ruler of the known galaxy.

The pulseaxe.

Their friendship is the stuff of legends; their rivalry reshaped humanity's future. A novella set in Dave Walsh's Andlios universe, The Cymage provides a glimpse into the rich history of the planet Andlios before the events of Cydonia Rising.

Anarchy’s Edge

Deep in the heart of the galaxy, an ancient, banished force lays in wait.

Life has transformed for Trella. No longer bound to the old ways of her people, she seeks her place in the galaxy, only to find as her father seizes power in Andlios he may be a puppet for figures from his own past. With the help of her old friends, she must venture out further into the galaxy than she ever has before, hoping to stop the Banished before it’s too late.

There’s just one problem: the Khonsu revolution finds itself besieged by the Earth Ministry. 

After Khonsu Station and the gate went dark, Katrijn and Jace ventured through once more, in search of Loren and their friends. What they weren’t expecting was their fragile intra-galaxy alliance hanging on by a thread as the Earth Ministry cut off Khonsu Station, looking to reclaim the station and quash the uprising before it could spread through the rest of the galaxy.

Every revolution faces its past, but is that post too powerful to stop?

Cydonia Rising

The Emperor of the galaxy has fallen, slain at the hands of his own son.

Forced into exile, Katrijn was tasked with a mission sent to her by her father from beyond the grave: free the people of the Andlios Republic. Her biggest hurdle? First it's the assassins sent after her by the emperor. After years alone on the fringes of the galaxy, who will be there to help her dethrone the mad emperor and reclaim the throne. Then, it's dealing with her brother...

The Mad Emperor himself.

Katrijn must carve her own path forward, forging new alliances and swallowing her pride to take whatever help she can find along the way, no matter how... unconventional that help seems, even from sworn enemies.

If dethroning her deranged brother isn't hard enough, she's not the only one gunning for the throne, making it a deadly race to save the people of Andlios in this action-packed space epic.