It’s pretty late at night right now, but I’m happy to say that Terminus Cycle has been released via Amazon’s…
Terminus Cycle Launches Next Week. Whoa.
A part of me has a hard time believing that next week is the launch of Terminus Cycle. My first…
Terminus Cycle Launching on March 24th — Pre-Order Now
For months now I’ve been posting blog entries about my “next book.” I’ve been vague as to not reveal too…
“Anyone can see it so clear”
I have really been neglecting this blog of late. I’ve set my sights on doing updates by the first of…
Rooks Across the Gates
The act of writing isn’t something that you can really give up on ever. It’s not something that you just…
“I sometimes feel as if I’ve given birth to this island.”
Marketing is literally the worst thing in the world. There, I said it. It’s out there and the whole world…
You could only win when I’m not afraid to lose
Movement. That’s where I’m at right now, the phase where there is movement. I’ve sent my novel off to my…
Onward! And Onward! And Onward I go
Being inspired is tough business sometimes. The same can be said for being candid without being overly candid and inserting…
“They Won’t Break You, Destroy or Erase You”
I feel that fiction is criminally undervalued in today’s society. Maybe that is just because of the work that I’ve…
“Pain is Proof of Your Existence”
Sometimes the process of refining my own work feels like a chore, other times it can be exciting. It’s this…