This month I’m happy to announce that after some time off, I’ve made the decision to kick things back into gear again. That’s right, that means if you’ve been waiting for the sequels to Terminus Cycle I’m finally doing something about that. The second book in the Andlios series is being edited right now, while I’m chipping away at the third one already. The plan? To release them either late summer or early fall.
Cool, right?
On top of that, I’m not coming here empty-handed. Oh no. Back around the time when I wrote the first draft of the follow-up to Terminus Cycle, I worked on a short story that serves as an origin story of sorts for the conflict on Andlios that we only learned about in the second half of Terminus Cycle. Who are the Cymages? Who the hell thought to put an ax head on a rifle? That’s where this novelette, The Cymage, comes in.
I’m happy to say that The Cymage is launching within a group promotion on StoryOrigin called Sonic Boom and you can pick up your ebook copy of it today, along with a few other great books. All for free. Cool, right?
If you’re already reading this, already a part of my email list, check your email for this month’s email and you’ll have links in there. If you aren’t on my email list already, sign up here and you’ll get links to your free copy.
As always, I appreciate any and all support in the coming months. Loved Terminus Cycle? Leave a review on Amazon or Good Reads. The upcoming sequels are even better, filled with rich characters, a lot of adventure and exploration of the world of Andlios.
If you didn’t love it? Well, drop me an email, vent, tell me what you didn’t love. That’s cool, too. A big part of why I made the decision to move forward is that I love my readers and people still reach out to me and ask when they’ll get the sequel. It was a financial decision for me to stop back in 2015, with my twin boys being born in 2016, but now that things have started to cool down it felt like the right time to let my readers get more of what they wanted.