Trystero book six, Cracked Palace, is available now!
Book Review: The Passenger by Cormac McCarthy
Dave Walsh reviews Cormac McCarthy’s ‘The Passenger,’ or at least takes a decent stab at it.
Snag the Hopepunk StoryBundle Now!
The Hopepunk StoryBundle is available now!
Celestial Sagas StoryBundle Available Until May 5th!
Check out the Celestial Sagas StoryBundle now until May 5th.
Dave Walsh shares the official playlist for INTERGALACTIC BASTARD.
SPECIAL: Get 30% Off Trystero eBooks Until May 6th
Author Dave Walsh is holding a sale on the Trystero series ebooks prior to the release of Smashed Hopes.
INTERGALACTIC BASTARD Available Now, Plus Trystero Pre-Orders
Dave Walsh’s INTERGALACTIC BASTARD is available now!
Sometimes you write something not because it fits a niche or is going to sell well, but instead because you…
Mother 3 Changed Something in Me, and I Refuse to Fix It
Author Dave Walsh writes about the transformative power of the Gameboy Advance game ‘Mother 3.’
So, You Want to Be an Indie Author? Part 3. Marketing
Dave Walsh returns for the third installment of ‘So, You Want to Be an Indie Author.’ This time covering marketing.